SAS (Standard Automated Session) Supported Functions for Anchor Distributors

Supported Variables

Wake-up-string The string of characters that is to be sent to the host before attempting logon
Logon-prompt The character(s) that will be sued by the host to prompt the remote to logon
Logon-string The account name or other characters that are sent to the host in order to logon
Password-prompt The character(s) that will be used by the host to prompt the remote for a password
Password-string The password that is to be sent to the host by the remote
OK-flag The character(s) that the host will transmit to signify a successful or normal operation
Error-flag The character(s) that the host will transmit to signify an unsuccessful or erroneous operation
Wait-flag The character(s) that the host will transmit to signify that the remote must wait at least another 30 seconds for an OK-flag or an error-flag
Menu-prompt The character(s) that will be sued by the host to prompt the remote for a function
Functional-terminator The character(s) transmitted by the remote to terminate each function�s mnemonic codes

Supported Functions

MO BISAC Switch to BISAC mode
OR Initiate sending a Purchase Order
AC Initiate transfer of an Acknowledgement
EX Exit
PR XMODEM Change protocol to XMODEM
PR ZMODEM Change protocol to ZMODEM

Anchor Distributors Variables

Wake-up-string Two carriage returns or ^^
Logon-prompt READY:
Logon-string WIT followed by carriage return or ^
Password-prompt SAN#:
Password-string Customer�s SAN followed by /WHITAKER followed by carriage return or ^ (no dashes in SAN)
Error-flag SORRY
Wait-flag WAIT
Menu-prompt :
Functional-terminator one carriage return or ^